Bes (also spelled as Bisu) was a Twa/ Nubian/Kemetic(Egyptian) deity/Icon, celebrated in history Throughout the planet. I would like to cite that this icon is an example of the presence of Afrika and Afrikan peoples all over the diaspora. Bes is known as a protector of the households. She/He was always present around mothers and children. Over time she was regarded as the protector and defender of all that is good and the enemy to all that is bad. It is theorized that the icon Bes came from the Great Lakes Region of Africa, coming from the Twa people in Congo or Rwanda. The ancient Twa were about the same height as the depictions of Bes.
EVERY COLOR COMES FROM BLACK! WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF NU/MA! Our first people were Women. Men are the sons of God, who came later... We must break the spell of lies that there are races. Race is a political construct to conquer and control all people of color and subject them to the domination of Yurugu Caucasoid invaders of our natural world...
EVERY COLOR COMES FROM BLACK! WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF NU/MA! Our first people were Women. Men are the sons of God, who came later... We must break the spell of lies that there are races. Race is a political construct to conquer and control all people of color and subject them to the domination of Yurugu Caucasoid invaders of our natural world...
BLACK WOMEN are the first people of the planet! NOT ONLY AFRAKA.
"IN- the beginning God, created the Heavens and the Earth!"
INKI was her "only begotten sun."
OUR ANCIENT ANCESTORS WERE THE TWA KHOISAN- BES- IS the Twa mother (Taweret) she traveled all over the planet to raise the pyramids of the 14 pieces of Asr. Every society was given an example of Nut/Ma/Ast the Queen mother- and her only begotten sun Ra/Heru. The Patriarchs Are the Yurugu rebellious sons who lifted up the Sun over his mother Nut/Ma/Ast. They changed the icon of god from the Matriarchal Ankh/Womb to the Cross/Phallus. Then they lightened his complexion to appeal to the great white hopes of imperialist invader Yurugus...
"While past studies identified Bes as a Middle Kingdom import from Nubia, some more recent research believes him to be an Egyptian native. Mentions of Bes can be traced to the southern lands of the Old Kingdom; however his cult did not become widespread until well into the New Kingdom.
Her name appears to be connected to a Nubian word for " cat" (besa) which literally means "cat", and indeed, her first appearances have the suggestion of a cat god. She is also known as a humorous dwarf god that brings good luck and happiness to homes. Modern scholars such as James Romano demonstrated that in its earliest inceptions, Bes was a representation of a lion rearing up on its hind legs. After the Third Intermediate Period, Bes is often seen as just the head or the face, often worn as amulets." Dawn Prince-Hughes lists Bes as fitting with other archetypal long-haired Bigfoot-like figures from ancient Northern Africa, "a squat, bandy-legged figure depicted with fur about his body, a prominent brow, and short, pug nose."
Another theory born out by Bes's role in both the protection of children and women in labour is the theory that Bes is the figure of a miscarried fetus"
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.
Currently, the media is presenting articles about the many Black people who are protesting the public displays of Zwarte Piet by Dutch people wearing "blackface" and Moorish styled costumes. So now the Dutch, meet Globalization –We now exist in a global world and that means we have to expand our knowledge about other cultures and peoples that make up diverse societies. The festival of Black Pete does, appear to be the glaring elephant in the room in the face of the invasion of South Africa by the Dutch!.. I now reflect back as a child living in Germany, people were so fascinated by us when they saw us at public Shopping districts. They would sometimes approach me and touch my skin… Seeing us must have brought back childhood memories of Black Pete. Understanding that the depiction of Moors and Moorish people in Europe has been slanted as one of servitude, now there are more Black citizens in Europe that live as equals and in authority, all over Europe.
The History of the Moors in Spain goes back to a successful harmony of rulership for almost 1000 years.
Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop is an accomplished historian who earned 14 PhDs in Science, stated the first inhabitants of Africa south of the Sahara were the Twa and Khoisan, the later West African and Bantu came from the Sahara, the Nile Valley, and West Asia.
Mainstream historians never credited the Saharan for domesticating the horse and inventing the plow and chariot, yet Basil Davidson shows Africans migrating from the Sahara to West Africa and the Nile Valley.
The Twa people of Africa were among the first Africans to people the world. They created the first advanced civilizations worldwide.
Many Chinese, Japanese, and Mayans are the same 5’0″ size as the Twa because they are descendant of Twa people. If you look closely you can see their Twa phenotype. Although it looks like outside Africa, the Twa and other African ethnic groups peopled region of Asia and their descendants still carry their DNA.
Global Twas:
The Twa aka Anu lived from the Nile Valley to Mali(called Tellen). They lived in Portugal, Germany, and England(called Picts and Lapps). They lived in Scandinavia where they are called Finns(Finland name after them).
The Twa lived in Groeland, Canada(called Skraelings), North America(called Mounds Builders). They lived in the tip of South America where they are called the Fuegians.
Moving West to Hawaii where the Twa were called Menehune. In the Philippine Islands, they were called Negritos by the Spanish. In Indonesia on the Island of Flores, skeletons of Twa were called Hobbits. In India, we find the Twa in an island in the Bay of Bengals where they are called Andaman Islanders. Yes, The Twa are found all over the world.
In the book, The First Americans Were African by David Imhotep.
First Civilization:
The first Paleolithic man was the Twa who evolved in Central Africa at the source of the Nile Valley and from here all originated (civilization) and was carried throughout the world. The Twa created spirituality. They are the first humans. The connection between Twa, Khoi, and Masaba connected with the Nilotic black-created spiritual systems. The first Nilotic Egyptian Gods were Twa(Ptah, Bes) and the Goddess were Twa.
“The Pygmy believed in a father God who was killed. A virgin mother who gave birth to a Savior son who avenged the death of his father. These become Asr(Osiris,) Auset(Isis,) and Heru(Horus) of Kemet (Egypt.)”
According to Albert Churchward and Gerald Massey Authors of occulted knowledge - Ancient Egypt Light of the world,
“The Pygmy had developed in the distant past a highly technical and advanced type of material culture and they built boats traveling all over the world. But civilization brought them nothing but bad luck, so preferring happiness to misery, they finally gave up this high material civilization. Pygmy fossils have been found in all parts of the world.”
Christianity before Christ by John G Jackson.
Anthropological Studies:
Jean Pierre Hallet was a Belgian-born anthropologist who lived with the Twas and studied their history and culture for more than 20 years. Hallet’s Pygmy friends told him that in the distant past, they developed a highly technical and advanced type of material culture and that they built boats and traveled widely around the world, but that this technical excellence bought them nothing but bad luck, so, preferring happiness to misery, they finally gave up this high material civilization. There may be a lot of truth in these traditions, for Pygmy fossils have been found in all parts of the world.”
-John G. Jackson ‘Christianity Before Christ’
Occulted Text
"While past studies identified Bes as a Middle Kingdom import from Nubia, some more recent research believes him to be an Egyptian native. Mentions of Bes can be traced to the southern lands of the Old Kingdom; however his cult did not become widespread until well into the New Kingdom.
Her name appears to be connected to a Nubian word for " cat" (besa) which literally means "cat", and indeed, her first appearances have the suggestion of a cat god. She is also known as a humorous dwarf god that brings good luck and happiness to homes. Modern scholars such as James Romano demonstrated that in its earliest inceptions, Bes was a representation of a lion rearing up on its hind legs. After the Third Intermediate Period, Bes is often seen as just the head or the face, often worn as amulets." Dawn Prince-Hughes lists Bes as fitting with other archetypal long-haired Bigfoot-like figures from ancient Northern Africa, "a squat, bandy-legged figure depicted with fur about his body, a prominent brow, and short, pug nose."
Another theory born out by Bes's role in both the protection of children and women in labour is the theory that Bes is the figure of a miscarried fetus"
Images of this deity were often kept in homes and was depicted quite differently from the other gods. Normally Egyptian gods were shown in profile, but instead Bes appeared in portrait, ithyphallic, and sometimes in a soldier's tunic, so as to appear ready to launch an attack on any approaching evil.
Bes was a household protector, throughout ancient Egyptian history becoming responsible for such varied tasks as killing snakes, fighting off evil spirits, watching after children, and aiding (by fighting off evil spirits) women in labour (and thus present with Taweret at births).
Since she drove off evil, Bes also came to symbolize the good things in life - music, dance, and sexual pleasure. Later, in the Ptolemaic period of Egyptian history, chambers were constructed, painted with images of Bes and his wife Beset, thought by Egyptologists to have been for the purpose of curing fertility problems or general healing rituals.
Many instances of Bes masks and costumes from the New Kingdom and later have been uncovered. These show considerable wear, thought to be too great for occasional use at festivals, and are therefore thought to have been used by professional performers, or given out for rent.
Like many Egyptian gods, the worship of Bes was exported overseas, and she, in particular, proved popular with the Phoenicians and the ancient Cypriots.
The cult of Saint Bessus in northern Italy may represent the Christianization of the cult associated with Bes; St. Bessus was also invoked for fertility, and Bessus and Bes are both associated with an ostrich feather in their iconography."
Bes was a household protector, throughout ancient Egyptian history becoming responsible for such varied tasks as killing snakes, fighting off evil spirits, watching after children, and aiding (by fighting off evil spirits) women in labour (and thus present with Taweret at births).
Since she drove off evil, Bes also came to symbolize the good things in life - music, dance, and sexual pleasure. Later, in the Ptolemaic period of Egyptian history, chambers were constructed, painted with images of Bes and his wife Beset, thought by Egyptologists to have been for the purpose of curing fertility problems or general healing rituals.
Many instances of Bes masks and costumes from the New Kingdom and later have been uncovered. These show considerable wear, thought to be too great for occasional use at festivals, and are therefore thought to have been used by professional performers, or given out for rent.
Like many Egyptian gods, the worship of Bes was exported overseas, and she, in particular, proved popular with the Phoenicians and the ancient Cypriots.
The cult of Saint Bessus in northern Italy may represent the Christianization of the cult associated with Bes; St. Bessus was also invoked for fertility, and Bessus and Bes are both associated with an ostrich feather in their iconography."
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.
So the Elves, the Gnomes, and Leprechauns are present-day representations of this Twa Icon/deity symbol. The essence and qualities that we find in the Domestic cat and Lion are also representatives of the protecting energies found in Bes.
I noticed the similarities of the names of Bes and Basil. Our Ancestors have often hidden our knowledge in children's stories and characters to engage our memories to hold onto and "Re-Member" wisdom. The similarities in the spiritual properties found in the old knowledge of herbs and their medicinal and healing applications were often the only remedies for people with no access to doctors or hospitals. These characters represent our mother's wisdom that was passed down from generation to generation.
Found in Wikipedia: Bes (pron.: /bɛs/; also spelled as Bisu) is an Kemetic (Ancient "Egyptian") Icon, symbolized as a protector of households, and in particular, of mothers and children and childbirth. Bes later came to be regarded as the defender of everything good and the enemy of all that is bad. While past studies identified Bes as a Middle Kingdom import from Nubia, more recent research indicates that he was present in Egypt since the start of Old Kingdom. Mentions of Bes can be traced to pre-dynastic Nile Valley cultures; however his form appears to be found all over the world.

Bes is the spiritual protector, promoter and healer of the home and family. He/She encourages fertility and watches over and teaches parents and children in their growth and development. Bes holds all of the wisdom and knowledge of the earth. She knows the cycles of time and the seasons. She knows the healing properties of all herbs. She is familiar with gardens, forests, animals, insects, lakes, rivers, mountains and caves. She knows the prayers, chants, lyrics, limericks, lullabies, bedtime stories, dances, mathematics, letters, formulas, recipes and words of power. He symbolizes the Shaman healer of the Nome or Klan. He is chemistry and physics. She represents the Sage, guardian, and spiritual intuitive energy to ward off hostile energy from your family, life, home, office, or wherever it is present. Bes controls The weather, the rain and the wind, the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Bes is Majic. He loves gold and can draw wealth and prosperity to the home. You can find this symbolic image of Bes all over the world. The earliest images of Elves, Trolls, Leprechauns, Fairies and Gnomes from all over the world were Black. The people are all characteristic and symbolic of our ancient Ancestors -the Twa and Khoisan (also known as "Pigmy") Mother and Father, with their history and wisdom of nature and the universe.
Here is an excerp of a great find of manuscript below:
On the extreme right of the façade: A Pygmy in the court of Egypt.
Pepy II's letter to Herkuf
A fourth, unnarrated, campaign to the land of Yam must have taken place, during which Harkhuf sent a letter to the young king Pepi II to inform him, particularly, that he was bringing back a pygmy, which resulted in the rest of the inscription. In fact, Pepi II wrote a letter in reply to that of Harkhuf, who was so proud of it that he had the text inscribed on the façade of his tomb in Aswan. Since little space remained, he had to prepare a space for it at the extreme right of the façade. Thus, the only complete royal letter dating from the old Kingdom has reached us.:
“ Seal of the king Himself. Second year of His reign, third month of the season akhet, fifteenth day. Royal decree (to) the Sole Companion, Lector-Priest, chief of interpreters, Harkhuf.
I have acquainted myself with the words of your letter, which you addressed to the king in the palace to inform him that you travelled in peace to the land of Yam, with the army, which accompanied you. You said in your letter that you were bringing back all sorts of presents, important and beautiful, which Hathor, lady of Imaou, gave for the ka of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neferkare- may he live eternally and forever! You also say in your letter that you will bring back a pygmy (for) the dances of the God and coming from the land of the inhabitants of the horizon and similar to the pygmy which the treasurer of the God, Bawerded brought back from Punt in the time of the king Isesi. cartouche of king Djed-Ka-Re (Isesi)
You also say to My Majesty: never before has such a (pygmy) been brought back by any of those who have visited the land of Yam. It is said that, each year, you accomplish that which your royal Lord wishes and praises. You pass your days and your nights thinking of doing that which your Lord wishes, praises and commands. So My Majesty will act such that the numerous and excellent honours which are yours shall also please the sons of your son for eternity and that men will say, when they hear what my Majesty has done for you“ is there any parallel to that which was done for the Sole Companion Harkhuf when he came back from the land of Yam, because of the diligence with which he carried out that which his Lord wished, praised and commanded.?”
Come back, then, to the north, to the Residence. Leave (everything) and bring with you the pygmy which you have brought from the land of the inhabitants of the horizon, alive, in good health and strong so that he may dance for the God and make cheerful and rejoicing the heart of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neferkare- may he live eternally!
If you come with him in the ship, set well-advised men about him on both sides of the boat and take care that he does not fall in the water. If he lies down to sleep during the night, have wise men to sleep beside him in his tent; go and check, ten times in the night. Because My Majesty wishes to see this pygmy more than all the tributes of Sinai or Punt.
If you reach the Residence and the pygmy is with you, alive, in good health and strong, My Majesty will do great things for you, more important than those which were done for the treasurer of the God, Bawerded, in the time of the king Isesi, according to the desire which My Majesty has to see this famous pygmy. Orders have been sent to the chief of the new town, Sole Companion and steward of the priests to command that victuals be taken by his care in every warehouse town and in every temple, without exception.
The many stories and fables of Gnomes, Fairies, Trolls, Leprechauns, and little people, are often the depictions of the presences of Ancient Twa Peoples who remained in Europe.
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The First Elves |
Zwarte Piet/ Pieten(Black Pete) is a character who has deep roots in traditional Dutch and Netherlands folklore. He appears in The Netherlands as a Spanish Moor (common to southern Holland in the 1500s), in caricature, as a Black man, with gold earrings and colorful period costumes of a Spanish Moor.
The story goes that Zwarte Piet chose to work with Saint Nicholas as his Navigator, Weather Forecaster, Time/Space Continuum Engineer and magical accompaniment. Since the 18th century in Holland, he has been depicted as a companion to Saint Nicholas in all of his holiday travels. Zwarte Pieten is today commonly depicted as a black person in the colorful pantaloons, feathered cap and ruffles of a Renaissance Moor, This character and tradition was later recorded in a children's book published in 1850. Zwarte Pieten is often portrayed as a mischievous but rarely mean-spirited character, the character is believed to have been derived from Bes the spirit pagan after his traditions. Nowadays, Zwarte Pieten has become a much more respected assistant of Saint Nicholas, still often humorous, self-determined, magical and playful.
Currently, the media is presenting articles about the many Black people who are protesting the public displays of Zwarte Piet by Dutch people wearing "blackface" and Moorish styled costumes. So now the Dutch, meet Globalization –We now exist in a global world and that means we have to expand our knowledge about other cultures and peoples that make up diverse societies. The festival of Black Pete does, appear to be the glaring elephant in the room in the face of the invasion of South Africa by the Dutch!.. I now reflect back as a child living in Germany, people were so fascinated by us when they saw us at public Shopping districts. They would sometimes approach me and touch my skin… Seeing us must have brought back childhood memories of Black Pete. Understanding that the depiction of Moors and Moorish people in Europe has been slanted as one of servitude, now there are more Black citizens in Europe that live as equals and in authority, all over Europe.
The History of the Moors in Spain goes back to a successful harmony of rulership for almost 1000 years.
Black Europeans were actually still in existence, living as Original peoples, up to their discovery by Nazis, who gave them the choice of sterilization or incarceration in a death camp.
Actually, Black Pete was free to voluntarily work with Sinter Klass. He had the upper hand over his counterpart and was the essential agent in the success of this operation for children. Yet the perpetuation of the depiction of servitude, (which reinforces the idea that Black people should be always in that role,) together with the horrible history and tradition of blackface in the US, means that it is time to revisit some of the old traditions and change them. It does matter that the tradition of blackface was most prominent and therefore most hurtful in the United States. But as with all things, we must find the balance between honoring what is important and adapting to the need to respect the human dignity of all. If we wish to remember or honor the tradition of "Black Pete", then let him be portrayed by willing black actors/celebrants and as the willing friend of Sinterklaas that he is, and not a comic figure, slave or buffoon. I know that he has been portrayed by the Dutch for countless generations in blackface, as a celebration for the children, of a long-forgotten historical person, most likely a Moor. However, the time for blackface anywhere has come to an end.
Actually, Black Pete was free to voluntarily work with Sinter Klass. He had the upper hand over his counterpart and was the essential agent in the success of this operation for children. Yet the perpetuation of the depiction of servitude, (which reinforces the idea that Black people should be always in that role,) together with the horrible history and tradition of blackface in the US, means that it is time to revisit some of the old traditions and change them. It does matter that the tradition of blackface was most prominent and therefore most hurtful in the United States. But as with all things, we must find the balance between honoring what is important and adapting to the need to respect the human dignity of all. If we wish to remember or honor the tradition of "Black Pete", then let him be portrayed by willing black actors/celebrants and as the willing friend of Sinterklaas that he is, and not a comic figure, slave or buffoon. I know that he has been portrayed by the Dutch for countless generations in blackface, as a celebration for the children, of a long-forgotten historical person, most likely a Moor. However, the time for blackface anywhere has come to an end.
Zwarte Piet (pronounced ['zʋɑrtə pit], "Black Pete") is the companion of Saint Nicholas (Dutch: Sinterklaas from which the American figure of Santa Claus is derived) in the folklore of the Low Countries. In its modern form, the character is commonly depicted as a blackamoor, with blackface make-up, and dressed in stylized colourful Renaissance attire, akin to Maures in European heraldry, and similar to Moorish characters in the "Moors and Christians" Iberian folk festivals commemorating the Reconquista.
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I am available for Lectures, Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Birth and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, Home and Businesses, Afrikan Storytelling, Conferences, and Workshops Contact: or Phone: 816-281-7704
I am available for Lectures, Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Birth and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, Home and Businesses, Afrikan Storytelling, Conferences, and Workshops Contact: or Phone: 816-281-7704