It seams that Indigo Melanin people are the only group that are asked to disband, and are quick to alienate and exile their associations, family members and people. This must be Willie-Lynch- post- traumatic Maafa. There are Indigo people who are PAID by religious organizations, or conservative extremists, like Prager, etc., as public speakers and paid tokens, on separating from black on black relationships, or debasing their own Black Queens, under the banner of their religious beliefs or conservative nationalism. These organizations pay and use these token black people as Psy-op "Peer interrupters," for the dissemination of doubt, distrust, withdrawal and isolation...Yet, Caucasians, Mexicans, Jews, u-name-it, will unify, even in their dysfunctions, to accomplish their mutual economic agendas, and objectives! I see the smiles and hear the cloaked healing sentiments and fake statistics, from these so called Negro Inspirational speakers. They talk like they are "woke" yet, this is only a slick packaging to proselytize, polarize and destroy Black unity. This is Religious Brainwashing Cultism- not Culture. They are Preying on our youth- Not Praying for our youth and families! In the end game, hoping and "waiting for Superman" to bring something or someone better, after you are encouraged to burn bridges, with family members, associates, fathers, mothers of your children etc., only moves us to impotence and paralyzing isolation... (Which is of course the objective of Race supremacy)
Yet, we are still picking their cotton and handing it over to plantation owners. We are at war, surrounded in hate as a weapon! Yes, war begins in our minds first. We are influenced by propaganda. There is big money in mass media indoctrination with the promise of rewards for affiliations that demand their loyalty. This society is run on the steam of capitalism. The United States is a Kkorpratakrazy.1
Every other society has turned their backs on Indigo Melanin Americans and offer no sanctuary or allies. Racism/White Supremacy as a system in the US and globally, is real! The Euro world of racism, has built their glass ceilings, walls and doors. They have created a prison for our minds, while we are rendered invisible in theirs. Not much thought is given, by any other people, to the advancement and empowerment of our people. We are still red lined and discriminated against, on loans, grants, access, Jobs, contracts, business ventures etc. because of our hair, cultural clothing, names, gender, and /or social affiliations (really it's just our dark skin). Then we discriminate against each other as gate keepers to maintain this status quo.
Every other society has turned their backs on Indigo Melanin Americans and offer no sanctuary or allies. Racism/White Supremacy as a system in the US and globally, is real! The Euro world of racism, has built their glass ceilings, walls and doors. They have created a prison for our minds, while we are rendered invisible in theirs. Not much thought is given, by any other people, to the advancement and empowerment of our people. We are still red lined and discriminated against, on loans, grants, access, Jobs, contracts, business ventures etc. because of our hair, cultural clothing, names, gender, and /or social affiliations (really it's just our dark skin). Then we discriminate against each other as gate keepers to maintain this status quo.
There seems to be something exclusively threatening about Melanin people wanting to congregate in their own homogeneous space, in deference to our own values and ways of life, than any other ethnic or cultural group. I do not define myself by Western standards or definitions. I do not consider myself a nationalist, or separatist, but I am certainly not a multiculturalist. I do not seek to model and perfect the way of life of another Culture. I am bad soil- refusing to assimilate with western European culture! We (Indigo peoples) should be able to have our own times to live, celebrate, learn, raise our children and families, and work in a collective of our own identities, languages, mores and sacred spaces; without it being mis-construed as hate! For a personal example, because I am an advocate on behalf of African Descendant peoples, I have changed my name and practice an ancient form of spirituality as my Ancient Ancestors, I am considered as a racist, or someone filled with hate! It's the victim, being considered the criminal! The raped becomes the rapist! My Cultural practices are considered uncomfortable, offensive, hateful and hostile, just because they are different from the western ways. I am not on this planet to only serve the interests of Western Europeans. We have our own distinct cultural relationships with this planet.
I recognize that many of our family members, as Black people, are still asleep in this system. (Yes, I use the same analogy as Morpheus in describing the Matrix.) So, they suffer from "Cognitive Dissonance." In consequence of living in my lifestyle, I haven't seen (Live with, teach, become intrinsic in the memories, values and lifestyles) of my own grandchildren in years, or my Brother, Nieces, Nephews, and many relatives and friends etc- for decades, because of what Dr. Amos Wilson speaks of as the "alien consciousness" of belief systems! So my African conscious value system has been stymied and censured. Many Black people are uncomfortable with Black people loving only Black people, or when family members "actually practice" African Culture. Their lack of knowledge of self, or self hate, coupled with their western assimilation of Ageism, Sexism, patriarchy, whether your are a vegan or pork eater, and the acceptance or adoption of Western or Islamic Religious beliefs, make our people pious and defensive. I have even had family members sabotage my work. This assimilation compounded with systemic racism, becomes the Willie lynch-pin- divide and conquer strategy... Black people who are still asleep in the system, tend to believe the negative before the positive- about each other, and they only want to believe one side of the story, to form a judgement without hearing the other side, without critical thinking (Guilty before innocent.) So now, I, and many people like me, are socially ostracized, alone, vulnerable in a system that treats me like a beast-or vagrant, not a Queen! As People of African descent, we now make orphans, instead of villages...
Ultimately this onslaught, exile and fragmentation of our Black people, has destroyed us, by a severe lack of generational wealth and resources that are never passed down for the next generation. We must regain our commonwealth, access and influence for our future. We must unify as allies and allies with the global African diaspora, to establish a global economy. Our children's greatest loss is in this exile. When you go into exile- you have to start over- that is traumatizing...
We must return to our natural minds.
I wrote the following poem back in 1990, when I first ventured to adopt my own African Centered Identity.
In the late 1980s, I was Adopted into a Nigerian Yoruba Family, with the hopes that I would embrace the Ifa African system. In my introduction, I was taught that this Yoruba family could trace their linage to the Hausa, Dogon, Tuareg and KMT families, by bloodlines over generations. I was astounded to see the connections that led back to Ancient KMT and their ancient Mystery schools! I was then honored to be given the name Adenike.
I was introduced to many of the local African Centered Societies in my visits in America, with African Centered events, where I cultivated my Spirituality and Identity.
I learned to speak and write the ancient KMT Language, through Medu Neter classes with Sistar Rkhti Amen.
I learned that Our Indigo Akabalon Queen Mothers, are the Ankh matrix of all peoples and civilizations. I began a healing journey on my health and grew my own foods to pursue the vision and mission, to establish Amen Ankh Akademy built around an African Centered Eco-Gnome- resource-based economy.
I read Nation Building How To: By Sasteh Meter Mosley, and began to apply the knowledge, of the Khemtic way of life, one of the oldest Eco-Nomic societies that were spread across all continents, and is reflected in all indigo ancestries and cultures. I began this Practice for my life.
I give great honor and Love to Dr. Amos N. Wilson for his genius to pave the way to Recovering Our African Mind!
Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)
I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...
(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa
We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring.
I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...
(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa
We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring.
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and Environment. We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704
The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.
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Nuta Beqsu, is a Kandaki Ma of many Suns, Daughters, Grand Princesses and Princes, living in the urban Kansas City Area. With a Mission to provide solutions to the cycles of violence, health disparities, poverty, and inequalities in wealth, she opened the Amen Par Ankh, a Natural Life Center, and Amen Ankh Academy and Homeschool network of Industrial arts. This is a green space for Home Scholars, an Independent Library and Home Blessings and Notions. She presently available for Consultations, Workshops Edutainment and lectures. currently working with grief counseling making Dolls for mothers who have suffered loss of their children. A Teacher, Priestess, Minister, Life coach, blogger and respected public speaker and educator who has conducted several workshops at various organizations, served as a panelist and as keynote speaker at regional meetings. She has a monthly call-in or listen online- Radio show Nuta Beqsu means (heaven gives me balance) This is an ancient KMT language that is still in practice today. Nu, Nut, & Ta are Elemental powers of the Heavens: Nu is Moisture, and Water. Nut is the Celestial Sky goddess. She represents the cosmos and the universe. The Universe is always giving birth to new solar systems and stars. Ta is the original word for land and Queendoms of our ancient Matriarchal societies. Our land is our home, and the place for the empirical existence where we learn form our experiences. She seeks to live in balance between the planetary and heavenly existences. We are all connected to the land, trees, microcosm and macrocosm, Inner verse and universe. Nuta Beqsu (heaven gives me balance) will be programmed into conscious spirit, to produce thought sequences to direct a course of action as way to achieve successfulness in life. Visualization is thought converted into a pleasurable visual image(s) to achieve a goal and/or purpose. We connect with Divine Power to guide and direct our pathways. As a divine name is spoken the receiver has unity of direction in life. Her name reflects her Destiny. So, the sight Sound, vision, smells and colors associated with a divine name will give guidance in her pathway. As a Minister and Director at Amen Par Ankh and Ankh Amen Ankh Akademy, we offer Ancestor Libation Ceremony, Consultations and Life Coaching for Destiny, Name, Health, Career and Relationships. Afrikan Wedding planning and officiate services, Home and Business Blessings, Naming, Birth Blessings, Domestic Engineering, Home going Ascension services, Lectures, and edutainment- Storytelling, Music, Dance, Youth Outreach and economic Literacy, Travel agency, Insurance Referrals and STEMM(science technology engineering mathematics medicine) Career introduction called You GROWW Girls- Teach a Girl, Heal a Nation GROWW means (Gaining, Resilience, Opportunity, Wellness and Wealth) Call for your appointment: 816-281-7704 Feel free to Contact the Amen Ankh Urban Farm... or
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