Sunday, May 12, 2024

Every Day Is Mother’s Day

Mothers Day Message 
to all the Kandaki Ma and Sistars 
You’re the Greatest!

Often times we forget what it takes to be a Mother, to bring LIFE through the vortex of space, and to be a vessel used for the flow of life thru this iteration.  So many take their lives for granted. This is a very important truth and one of the greatest challenges that women who looks like the triple blackness of space, Earth, the trees, the new moon night, Chocolate, Cloves and Cinnamon will face.  Life, must continue into the future. our DNA are our Ancestars! We honor our Kandaki- Queens!

I was inspired to write this poem for Motherhood. The iconic image of Auset and Heru transformed into a Madonna and Child has traveled around the earth.

To become a Mother is beautiful 

A reminder to women who may look at their body and finds it flawed: these are prehistoric carvings of The Queen Mother of the Universe. These represent the epitome of feminine beauty to those we seek to emulate when we go on “paleo” diets. Not a flat tummy, thigh gap, or gravity-defying breast among them. 

These are bodies that are unique to their owners, and contain stories of Motherhood, desire, creation, hardship, and perseverance. These are bodies that are ready to hold you as you cry. These are bodies that worked every day to provide nourishment, resources and guidance to their communities while also caring for the next generation. They supported one another in their labor, holding one another’s babies while they worked crafting tools, collecting water & singing songs to teach the young about the goddesses they so closely resembled. 

And these carvings weren’t found in just one area. They’ve been discovered nearly everywhere humanity has settled and thrived. Which means there was a time when womanhood, in all her power and capacity, was revered not as merely a sexual novelty or shunned as sinful temptation, but seen as a source of inspiration to create, to connect, and to find courage. 

Today, our patriarchal society reveres conformity in women over all. It demands that women strive to achieve and maintain a form that resembles a girl. Society views our women’s bodies must look perpetually untouched, unspoiled, a blank slate for a man to claim and use and write his own story upon. Instead of Appreciating women as they are, they scrutinize and discard them as never good enough. The more we strive to conform, the more we give up control of our bodies.

So have comfort, women: with each fat roll and jiggle you gain as you move forward in time, you come closer to resembling the goddess as she originally appeared in the hearts of humanity. She lives in you and longs to be seen and revered as she was before. And you deserve to be worshipped. 

✨️✨️AMEN PAR ANKH Sacred Temple of Life #AmenAnkh

Our girls do not know the challenges we face. To become a mother is to accomplish the first step  in the biggest challenge we have living life.

It takes courage to stand against the constant chorus barking against you,  for the fear of abandonment, from the hatefulness, and for standing silently against alienating lifestyles being projected towards you.  If you will allow the power within you to create the ultimate accomplishments of your LIFE for the future we must take time to breathe…..

Our creation of Life comes in small bundles with ten fingers and ten toes. We take our bundles of life and wrap our hearts around them. We hold Our bundles closely as we head down the field of life in the murky quicksand, and raining waters of the world, to the goal line of adulthood. We weave our way with our bundles of JOY through the often challenging transformations of life process. Our bundles goes thru the early stages of development to becoming a mature Being….

A being that is strong enough, to stand against the challenges this world will use against it to rob their Lives…

 To be a Mother of Life,  is to be a warrior for Life and we forget our powers of Life with Nature as our greatest fan. Often times this is forgotten-

To be a Mother and reach the Goal Line of adulthood is Our Greatest Accomplishment. 

We wear the symbol of the KMT womb of all Mankind- The ANKH! 

As we are souls having a human experience, our womb knits a sacred vessel around a spirit of a person.  

This person is a sacred temple for abundant life experiences. We must find our purpose and fulfill our destiny. We must cultivate and preserve our health, pursue our careers, and cherish our relationships

Tupac:”Dear Mama You are appreciated!”
We salute you!     

             Ankh Udja Seneb Wdjet!  to YOU!!!!!

        Happy Mothers Day in Turtle’s Island America

Queen Mothers are heaven on Earth 

Mother and Child Union

Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra) I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives... 

 (c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa 

We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring. 

We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST Conscious Community. 

We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and Environment. 

We are a Ma'afia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704 Contact: or 

The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle. 

I am a Kandaki Ma of many Suns, Daughters, Grand Princesses, and Princes, living in the urban Kansas City Area. With a mission to provide solutions to the cycles of violence, health disparities, poverty, and inequalities in wealth, eYe opened the Amen Par Ankh, a Natural Life Center, and Amen Ankh AKademy and Homeschool network of Industrial arts. This is a green space for Home Scholars, an Independent Library, and Home Blessings and Notions. I am presently available for Consultations, Workshops Edutainment, and lectures. currently working with grief counseling making Dolls for mothers who have suffered the loss of their children. I have worked in the community as a Teacher, Priestess, Minister, Life coach, blogger, respected public speaker, and educator. I have conducted several workshops at various organizations, and served as a panelist and as a keynote speaker at regional meetings. I had a monthly call-in or listen online- Radio show: amen communications 

 Nuta Beqsu means (heaven gives me balance) This is an ancient KMT language that is still in practice today. Nu and Nut are Elemental powers of the Heavens: Nu is Moisture and Water. Nut is the Celestial Star-goddess. She represents the cosmos and the universe, always giving birth to new stars. The Universe is always giving birth to new solar systems and stars. Ta is the original word for place, land, and City-States of our ancient Matriarchal societies. Our land is our home, and the place for the empirical existence where we learn from our experiences. She seeks to live in a balance between the planetary and heavenly existences. We are all connected to the land, trees, microcosm and macrocosm, Inner verse and universe. Nuta Beqsu (Heaven gives me balance) will be programmed into a conscious spirit, to produce thought sequences to direct a course of action as a way to achieve success in life. Visualization is thought converted into a pleasurable visual image(s) to achieve a goal and/or purpose. 

We connect with Divine Power to guide and direct our pathways. As a divine name is spoken the receiver has unity of direction in life. Our names reflect our Destiny. So, the sight Sound, vision, smell, and colors associated with a divine name will give guidance in my pathway of life. 

 I am Nuta Beqsu, a Kandaki Ma of many Suns, Daughters, Grand Princesses, and Princes, living in the urban Kansas City Area. With a mission to provide solutions to the cycles of violence, health disparities, poverty, and inequalities in wealth, I opened the Amen Par Ankh, a Natural Life Center, and Amen Ankh AKademy and Homeschool network of Industrial arts. This is a green space for Home Scholars, an Independent Library, and Home Blessings and Notions. I am presently available for Consultations, Workshops Edutainment, and lectures. currently working with grief counseling making Dolls for mothers who have suffered the loss of their children. I have worked in the community as a Teacher, Priestess, Minister, Life coach, blogger, respected public speaker, and educator. I have conducted several workshops at various organizations and served as a panelist and as a keynote speaker at regional meetings. I had a monthly call-in or listen online- Radio show: Nuta Beqsu means (heaven gives me balance) This is an ancient KMT language that is still in practice today. Nu and Nut are Elemental powers of the Heavens: Nu is Moisture and Water. Nut is the Celestial Star-goddess. She represents the cosmos and the universe, always giving birth to new stars. The Universe is always giving birth to new solar systems and stars. Ta is the original word for place, land, and City-States of our ancient Matriarchal societies. Our land is our home, and the place for the empirical existence where we learn from our experiences. She seeks to live in a balance between the planetary and heavenly existences. We are all connected to the land, trees, microcosm and macrocosm, Inner verse, and universe. Nuta Beqsu (Heaven gives me balance) will be programmed into a conscious spirit, to produce thought sequences to direct a course of action as a way to achieve success in life. Visualization is thought converted into a pleasurable visual image(s) to achieve a goal and/or purpose. We connect with Divine Power to guide and direct our pathways. As a divine name is spoken the receiver has unity of direction in life. Our names reflect our Destiny. So, the sight Sound, vision, smell, and colors associated with a divine name will give guidance in my pathway of life. As a Minister and Director at Amen Par Ankh and Ankh Amen Ankh Akademy, we offer Ancestor Libation Ceremonies, Consultations, and Life Coaching for Destiny, Name, Health, Career, and Relationships. Afrikan Wedding planning and officiating services, Home and Business Blessings, Naming, Birth Blessings, Domestic Engineering, Homegoing Ascension services, Lectures, and edutainment- Storytelling, Music, Dance, Youth Outreach and Economic Literacy, Travel agency, Insurance Referrals and STEAM(science technology engineering vocational Arts mathematics medicine) Career introduction called You GROWW Girls- Teach a Girl, Heal a Nation GROWW means (Gaining, Resilience, Opportunity, Wellness and Wealth) Call for your appointment: 816-281-7704 Feel free to Contact the Amen Ankh Urban Farm... or Please like our facebook pages: , , ,